MEDI-I Children’s Toothpaste

MEDI-I Children’s Toothpaste


  • No CMIT / MIT The ingredient is known as a humidifier disinfectant and the use as a toothpaste preservative is prohibited in Korea .
  • ECOCERT , USDA certified extract Eucalyptus extract , sage extract , aloe extract , matricaria extract , green tea extract Free of 5 harmful ingredients.
  • This product is free of artificial components and offer safe usage preservative , chemical detergent , paraben , triclosan , saccharin Premium toothpaste for our children Protect your child’s gums and teeth with Medi – l toothpaste . We make this product with the motto , ‘ the toothpaste I want to give my child.
  1. Use toothpaste as much as peas.
  2. Wipe your teeth and gums thoroughly for at least 3 minutes without getting wet.
  3. When bubbles are enough, keep natural ingredients in your mouth for a while. If you have severe symptoms, rinse it slowly and neatly with lukewarm water.


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SKU: MEDI-I Children's Toothpaste Categories:

Dimensions 5 × 4 × 15 cm




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